Board Retreats & Workshops

ACCT offers customized retreats and workshops to help trustees effectively carry out their responsibilities in an increasingly complex and litigious world. ACCT is committed to assisting boards by enhancing their capability to provide effective lay governance and leadership to strengthen the capacity of community colleges to achieve their mission on behalf of their communities.

Retreats can strengthen communication and understanding among board members, which can lead to a stronger, more effective working group. When a board engages in training and professional development it is also a model for the rest of the institution.

ACCT Board Leadership Services has the expertise, flexible fee structure and tailored support to fit any board's individual needs. ACCT is uniquely able to provide comprehensive retreat assistance and guidance to the Board of Trustees and President. We understand the unique governance structure of community college boards. Our service derives its strength and uniqueness from the following:

  • Focus only on the two-year community and technical college sector.
  • A 35-year history of outstanding and recognized service to boards of trustees in colleges and districts throughout the United States and abroad.
  • A range of board retreat and consultative services that set the stage for long-term success.
  • A range of services that can be customized to a board’s exact needs and budget.
  • Experience conducting over 300 retreats for community colleges all over the country.
  • Facilitators and consultants who include former trustees, presidents and scholars with proven track records and expertise in college governance and board leadership.

Board Retreat Topics

Why hold a board retreat?

Complimentary Retreat 2024-25

ACCT Consultants


For more information please contact:

ACCT offers retreat and board development services. Contact Colleen Allen, Director, Retreats and Evaluation Services at 202-775-6490,